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GMS Soil Stabilization


The GreenMarket Solutions (GMS) soil stabilization process is an innovative approach to stabilize the soils in the base and sub-base of existing roads and highways, new construction sites as well as existing buildings, new roadways, existing airfields, parking areas, reservoirs, levees/embankments, and railroad beds.


The GMS Soil Stabilization Process increases the bearing capacity of the soil. Any increase in the bearing capacity of soil automatically increases the shear strength of the soil proportionately.


Most surface failures are directly related to base and sub-base failure due to contamination by clay material accelerated by the migratory patterns of water. Freeze-thaw cycles and rain-laden soils cause normal rutting, buckling, chuck holes, and further deterioration of surfaces.

GMS employs GreenMarket Solutions Soil Stabilizer, GMS' proprietary product. The application of this product can be done via the following methods:

Surface Broadcasting - Equipment used in regular construction or repair operations is well-suited to this method of application. The area is first scarified with a motor grader. The product is then applied to the surface via a water truck. The area is then scarified once more in order to incorporate the product into the soil. Finally, it is recommended that 1-3 inches of crushed gravel be layered and compacted on the surface, depending on traffic usage and vehicle weight, to facilitate traction and keep the wear course intact.

Injection - This method can be used on both unpaved and paved surfaces. Holes are drilled into the soil, asphalt, or concrete surface. The GreenMarket Solutions Soil Stabilizer is then pressure-injected into the holes, saturating the ground. The holes will naturally fill in with soil once vehicles begin traveling over the surface.

GMS Soil Optimizer


The GreenMarket Solutions (GMS) Soil Conditioning Process utilizes GreenMarket Solutions Soil Optimizer, GMS' proprietary product. The application of the product converts heavy, or high clay content soils (minimum clay content of 16 percent) into a more useable form, enabling:

  • Improved soil water drainge
  • Improved soil aeration
  • Improved plant root penetration into the soil
  • Improved open soil that hinders associated fungal/bacteria problem by preventing water retention in holes

The process breaks up clay and compacted soils by affecting the clay particles in the soil so that they can aggregate and behave more like normal soil particles. It is a safe, convenient, and effective way to obtain more useable soil and provides better utilization of existing soil nutrients. The variety of uses includes but is not limited to:

Improved Soil Drainage - Heavy and clay soils with poor drainage characteristics can be vastly improved with the process treatment. In hot climates, soils will not have a tendency to crust or bake over, and in saturated, boggy areas, the resulting improved drainage will increase the potential and viability of the land.

Healthy Lawns - A frequent abuse of lawn maintenance is over-watering, which results in soggy surfaces and poor drainage. This can support the growth of moss and disease. The soil conditioning process increases drainage potential dramatically, this leads to the absence of surface water, killing moss and reducing the chance of disease. In warmer climates, it reduces the tendency of the surface to harden or bake over, thereby enabling water to penetrate.

Tree Planting - The process enables trees and plants to establish root systems more rapidly than untreated soil, thereby increasing survival rates.

Golf Courses - Surface water problems are reduced with the process, as it enables improved drainage for extended periods.

GMS Land Reclaimer


The GreenMarket Solutions (GMS) Bioremediation Process offers a unique, environmentally safe and cost-effective method for returning soils back to their natural state. The GMS Bioremediation Process utilizes GreenMarket Solutions Land Reclaimer, GMS' proprietary product. It is an on-site, in-place approach to the recovery of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, and will also clean up groundwater, eliminating concerns of ground water discharge during dewatering.


The process of cleaning the soil, which remains in place or "in situ", is a mild biodegradation assisted by greatly accelerated native bacterial growth. There is a slight sulfuric acid biodegradation that attacks the dead organic matter, which includes all petroleum based materials, such as fuels, pesticides, herbicides, termiticides, and many other derivatives. The bacterial growth is encouraged by the process, in that the bacteria are provided with a very favorable environment, which dramatically accelerates the growth of native bacteria. Even after the soil contamination is eradicated, the bacteria continue to clean up any of the remaining product used in the process. The result of this activity is carbon dioxide, ash and water; completely safe by-products.


The GMS Bioremediation Process, because of its composition, possesses an enormous potential for ion-exchange. The acid used is a sulfonated, oil-based i on exchanger. It is a water-soluble concentrate which, when diluted with water, behaves as a solvent for petroleum based materials.

Excess hydrogen ion (H+) is provided by the solution. A portion of oxygen in the water is ionized to OH- and the hydronium ion H3O+. When small amounts of the product are mixed in water, it activates the waters' H+ and OH- ions, causing the water to become a highly ionized solution. This brings about a vigorous exchange of electrical charges in the soil particles, permitting accelerated natural bacterial growth. This also helps break the bonds between clay and the hydrocarbons.

GMS BioWaste Digester


The GMS Digester Process is a treatment utilizing GreenMarket Solutions Biowaste Digester, a sulfonated oil product.

The GMS Digester Process offers a unique, environmentally safe, and cost-effective method for reducing waste build-up and controlling odors. It can be used for the deodorizing and digestion of organic solid wastes, as found in pit toilets, vault toilets, holding tanks, portable toilets, sludge drying beds, sewage treatment plants, landfills, lagoons, septic drain fields, etc.

The GMS Digester Process provides on-site, in-place reduction of waste build-up and odor control. It reduces pumpable solids by up to 70 percent, which reduces the frequency of periodic rodding and enables easier maintenance of an ailing drain field.


The GMS Digester Process chemically "pre-digests" organic wastes, breaking complex organic compounds into simple molecules. This increases water penetrability and lowers the capillarity and plasticity of the soil.

The process breaks up oxygen molecules from the water in huge quantities, promoting a rapid reproduction of aerobic bacteria. The aerobic bacteria produce enzymes, breaking down solids as well as anaerobic bacteria (the odor producers) into products that the bacteria consume, creating more enzymes. This bacterial process also creates H2O and CO2, byproducts that greatly increase the efficiency of the septic system.

Graces' Root Enhancer


Grace's Root Enhancer is an environmentally-safe, inexpensive, and effective rooting stimulant for plant propagation that is safe to use on ornamental trees and fruit trees that have yet to bear fruit. Registered with the EPA, it has a non-toxic mode of action because:

  • It is applied in low volumes.
  • It is target-specific and is only used on the tip of the cutting.
  • It duplicates a naturally-occurring process in plants.

Grace's Root Enhancer is available in a concentrated liquid dip form, which offers several benefits for residential and commercial growers:

  • It allows the propagator to easily select the exact concentration for each crop.
  • It provides more uniform coverage.
  • It provides a more rapid absorption.
  • It is self-sanitizing, which eliminates cross contamination.

There are three types of cuttings for plants - softwood or succulent, medium-hardwood, and hardwood.

Softwood or Succulent: Softwood is the emerging growth of most plants. It can be easily bruised with a nail. Softwood cuttings should be kept cool and moist. Very soft softwood cuttings may rot. The general dilution rate for Grace's Root Enhancer is 1:20 for this type of cutting.

Medium-Hardwood: Broadleaf evergreens when the wood is firm and leaves have matured. The general dilution rate for Grace's Root Enhancer is 1:10 for this type of cutting.

Hardwood: Deciduous plants after they have lost their leaves in the fall, needle evergreens, and broadleaf evergreens. Cuttings from needle evergreens are usually rooted under greenhouse conditions. The general dilution rate for Grace's Root Enhancer is 1:5 for this type of cutting.

To determine the best concentration for any variety, try three dilutions of 1:5, 1:10, and 1:15. Liquid dips tend to form roots to the depth of the dipping, so control the depth to the desired area of rooting. Dip the cutting long enough to thoroughly wet the base of the cutting.

Cuttings should be taken from thriving and health plants, optimally from the plant's new growth. Perform the following:

Locate an active growing tip, with three nodes, or leaf joints, around three sets of developed leaves and a cutting approximately three to six inches in length.

Find a growing tip. Move down the plant to find the first, second, third, and then fourth node.

Remove all flower sites and trim off the leaves on the third and fourth nodes, leaving at least two sets of leaves. For cloning softwoods, it is especially important to trim the leaves of the cutting while it is still attached to the plant. NOTE: Use a sharp knife to prevent the least amount of damage.

After trimming the leaves, separate the cutting from the donor plant midway between the fourth and fifth node. This allows room for the donor plant to heal itself.

Dip at least one set of nodes of the cutting in the prepared Grace's Root Enhancer solution as soon as possible. Gently shake off excess solution.

Place cutting in a moistened medium, making sure to cover any areas touched by the rooting compound.